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Psalms for Everyone - Death Cathches You When You Don't Expect It To
Psalms for Everyone - Death Cathches You When You Don't Expect It To
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Death Catches You When You Don’t Expect It To Psalm 49 We recently buried the second-oldest member of our congregation, who until she faded away quickly at the end had regularly attended church. We drove quite a way to the cemetery, and I wondered why, until I discovered that her…
Psalms for Everyone - I Am Going to Die
Psalms for Everyone - I Am Going to Die
by SPCK - John Goldingay
I Am Going to Die Psalm 39 I didn’t think much about dying until my grandson was born, and then the thought came to me that I could die now; I had done my job for the human race’s future by fathering a son who had himself fathered a son. I thought about it again three or four yea…
Beneath The Cross
Beneath The Cross
by Rose humphrey
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in…
Meditation - 4th Sunday of Easter Year C (3)
Meditation - 4th Sunday of Easter Year C (3)
by David Middleton
Meditation – 4th Sunday of Easter Year C Am I the Messiah? John 10: 22-30 Look Jesus, we really need to know. Are you the Messiah? You keep evading the issue, never really being completely clear, always leaving an element of doubt and keeping us in suspense. Tell us, are you the …
Poem/Reflection: Consolation
Poem/Reflection: Consolation
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem/Reflection: Consolation We, who never met Jesus as a man; never sat at his feet to listen to his teaching; never had the chance to ask him a question; never felt his personal touch of healing; never heard one of his stories from his own lips; never witnessed his attacks on t…
When innocence is fractured
When innocence is fractured
by Gareth Hill Publishing/Song Solutions CopyCare
Hymn – When innocence is fractured When innocence is fractured by nature’s shifting force, and paradise is ruptured as life is swept off course. We come to pray our questions, we come to share our grief; in this, our act of worship, to say that we believe. As headlines overwhelm …
Poem: Determination
Poem: Determination
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Determination Nothing could deter him. Not religious opposition. Not the wily Herod. Not the prophetic predictions. Not the Pharisees with their plotting, nor the teachers with their testing, nor the disciples and their doubting. Nothing could stop him. Continues... ©Marjor…
Hymn: As Jesus faced his closest friends
Hymn: As Jesus faced his closest friends
by Marjorie Dobson
As Jesus faced his closest friends and asked them,’Who am I?’ ‘You are the Christ, the one who comes,’ was Peter’s sure reply. But Jesus turned to speak to them of torture and of pain and Peter could not bear those words and urged him, ‘turn again.’ Then Peter heard Christ’s shar…
Poem: Dance of death
Poem: Dance of death
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Dance of death A swish of silken skirt and swaying body; bright unbound hair and darkened dazzling eyes; bejewelled dress revealing, then concealing; devices all designed to mesmerize. The music slowed, the dance grew yet more sensual, the guests were captivated by the sigh…
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - The Unexpected Coming
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - The Unexpected Coming
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Unexpected Coming Matthew 24.36-44 It was a fine Saturday afternoon in the heat of summer. The family, some on holiday from work, were relaxing in the house and the garden. Books and magazines were lying around the place, along with coffee mugs, newspapers and packets of bisc…
Poem: Regret